Radjabov J.P., Mirkhodjaev I.A., Usmonova N.U.
Radjabov Jasur Pardaboevich - assistant,
Mirkhodzhaev Islam Asrorovich - doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Usmonova Niginabonu Usmonovna - student,
Abstract: the results of treatment with albendazole in 15 patients and prevention in 124 patients with liver echinococcosis were analyzed. With the isolated use of albendazole for therapeutic purposes, 11 (73.3%) patients received positive results. It was established that from the moment of introduction of chemotherapy into the complex of postoperative rehabilitation the frequency of relapses decreased from 8.6 to 0.5%. The incidence of local recurrence of liver echinococcosis was 26.6%. The significant frequency of recurrences of echinococcosis in segments remote from the primary focus (43.4%) and even the defeat of another liver fraction (20%) casts doubts on the role of the fibrous capsule of the primary cyst as the main disease relapse factor
Keywords: echinococcosis of the liver, surgical treatment, prevention, chemotherapy.
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Полная ссылка для цитирования. Radjabov J.P., Mirkhodjaev I.A., Usmonova N.U. WAYS OF PREVENTION AND PHARMACOTHERAPY OF LIVER ECHINOCOCCOSIS(Россия. Москва. 06 Июля 2023). С. {см. журнал}.
Краткая ссылка. Radjabov J.P., Mirkhodjaev I.A., Usmonova N.U. WAYS OF PREVENTION AND PHARMACOTHERAPY OF LIVER ECHINOCOCCOSIS // Научные исследования № 1(42). 2023. С. {см. журнал}.